£4.99 - On Sale
The 5 track ‘Circus In The Cemetery’ 12″ on collectors edition white vinyl with cover artwork by the incredible Mister Shrew. Also featuring two of the most original emcees out today – Willo Wispa & Ralph Rip Shit and production from heavyweights P.L.O., Sam Rockwell and Devize from Australia. It bangs harder and darker than the usual Mud offering. It’s out to crack your skull. With a brick.
Purchases come with a free hand scribbled CD version by the man himself so you can cop high quality vinyl product and still bump it in your ride, on deck or Ipod. We don’t f*ck around with holding you down on the goodies front.
“Money shot of the Month – Sept ‘08″ DJ MAGAZINE
”Circus In The Cemetery’ sees Mudmowth blow most of the current homegrown hip-hop pretenders out of the water.” K MAG
”He’ll tickle your funny bone before smashing it… a rabid five-some where slam dancing becomes a happy consequence. 8/10″ DATATRANSMISSION.CO.UK
”Shexy white vinyl with dopey-dope-dope artwork, is just so hardcore it’s mental. Mudmowth is a tremendous MC who mixes clarity with humour, seriousness and sickness in perfect measures…. This is simply brilliant Hip Hop that reveals new treasures on each listen.” CERTIFIEDBANGER.BLOGSPOT.COM
”The insane lyrics and catchy beats make ‘Circus In The Cemetery’ one of the freshest releases to come out of Cardiff since…his last record.” ILIKEMUSIC.COM